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UK Imperial Grand Premier Heathdown Leonardo DaVinci BSH ny 12

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

Leo, our best show cat is having a little wash before bedtime...

In July; Leo, Coco and Billy were at the Sussex Show, Leo wasn’t awarded in his Olympian class but won BOB.

In April, Leo won 2 Reserve Olympians, 2 BOBs and came first in 2 side classes, Coco won 2 Reserve Grand Challenge certificates and 2 BOBs.

Nice to see the old man still has it in him!

October 2022 Leo was awarded his second UK imperial certificate and can now be called UKIGrPr Heathdown Leonardo DaVinci (tbc)!

We are incredibly proud of his achievements.

Here's a previous post showing his titles!

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